風景(春〜夏) The Scenery(spr.-sum.) |
風景(秋) The Scenery (autumn) |
天然温泉 Spa |
客室 Rooms |
お食事 Dishes |
その他施設 Other facilities |
花 Flowers |
イベント Events |
スライドショウ Slide show (midwinter) |
◆ウエストン祭 The memorial ceremony of Walter Weston
◆上高地音楽祭 The music festival in Kamikouchi |
◆穂高神社例大祭 The boats festival of the innermost shrine of the Hotaka Shrine |
◆閉山祭 The ceremony for the ending of the mountaineering season |
<当館のイベント> |
Events in our hotel |
◆餅つき Mochituki (rice cake making with a mortar and mallets) |
◆七夕 Tanabata (the Star Festival) |
◆マンドリン演奏会 The concert of mandolins |
◆お月見 Tsukimi (the harvest moon-viewing) ◆菖蒲湯 Shobuyu (a bath with sweet flag blades on the water) |